How to Starve Cancer: The Discovery of a Metabolic Cocktail that could Transform the Lives of Millions

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How to Starve Cancer: The Discovery of a Metabolic Cocktail that could Transform the Lives of Millions

How to Starve Cancer: The Discovery of a Metabolic Cocktail that could Transform the Lives of Millions

RRP: £99
Price: £9.9
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Based on this concept, she developed her own cancer-starving cocktail—utilizing diet, supplements, and off-label drugs—that proved to be more effective than any current cancer treatment.

The author asks us to minutely examine our daily diet and revise it for the benefit of our health and to help our bodies thrive and be as well as they can be. It is a “must read” for the brave individuals with progressing cancers who want a better choice than a poor ultimatum and for medical doctors to understand the other side as a patient. In 1931, Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery that cancer cells have an altered metabolism.

McLelland underwent surgery to remove the tumor in her lung, and she endured six months of chemo (at a much lower dose than that recommended by her oncologist). So, with my low glycemic index diet, I was controlling the cervical cancer, but I wasn’t controlling the leukemia, which instead thrives on proteins. She made another critical finding when she picked up an issue of Life Extension ® Magazine that she says played a key role in saving her life. For me this book is an absolute must read for all those dealing with a cancer diagnosis, either in the UK or worldwide, especially those with a higher stage who have been offered no ‘cure’. and adoption being off the cards for the foreseeable future due to the diagnosis just felt all so familiar.

Jane McLelland McLelland was reluctant about writing her book, but she felt she had a duty to share with the world what she had discovered—and what had saved her life. She cut out foods like potatoes and tomatoes because they caused an inflammatory reaction in her body (and she had learned that inflammation was a driving force for cancer). Intravenous vitamin C has been shown to target cancer stem cells, the original cancer cells that are responsible for chemo and radiotherapy resistance, because it stops a key step in the process of glycolysis, effectively starving the cancer as well as triggering apoptosis, or cell death,” said McLelland. Bit by bit she has pieced the puzzle together, demystified its complexity, and produced a simple protocol.Just like the cervical cancer, Jane’s lung cancer was initially misdiagnosed (this time as a chest infection). This is the first book I have read regarding cancer (and I have got through a few in the last 18months! According to doctors and cancer statistics, she should have lived only about 12 weeks after receiving her diagnosis of stage IV cancer. Such dir einen beliebigen Titel aus dem gesamten Katalog aus – darunter Bestseller und Neuerscheinungen.

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